Modern society is very dependent on telecommunications. Unfortunately, in the event of a disaster, the daily communication methods can very quickly become unavailable to citizens.


LEMCIT is an independent group of experts in telecommunications for disaster communications with non-profit targets. Together with the knowledge of our partner associations, we offer a public service dedicated to the citizens of Luxembourg in case of crisis or disasters. Our main objective is the temporary construction of simple, alternative telecommunication lines as well as the prevention for such cases. We alongside invest resources for humanitarian activities.


We offer different services regarding alternative communication ways. The elaboration of concepts and the appropriate training gives us the best possible preparedness for emergency situations.

Adhoc local/regional voice communication

Aside from our countrywide radio network for voice transmission, we are able to deploy a local repeater for a regional mobile and handheld coverage in order to provide voice & positioning services for a certain area.

Countrywide voice transmission

A countrywide network of base stations allows us to communicate during the everyday life. But in emergency situations, this network gives us the opportunity to communicate and react in a very fast way. Access to this network can be made availabe for public service.

Disaster communication via email

As simple as it sounds, you can also communicate via email in case of a crisis. Emails will then not be transfered as usual over the internet but rather via radio transmission.

International voice & text transmission

To be reachable from abroad, the focus gets closer on other technologies: shortwave applications. Shortwave gives you access to worldwide wireless communications. You’re able to stay in touch with Europe but also with other continents.

Logistics & field operations

In order to mobilise our equipment for on-site interventions, we use our own inventory system, distributed over the whole country. This makes us reactive for fast deployments. This even requires excerised members, which can also offer other logistical services.

Ready to use EMCOMM stations

Ready-2-use emergency communications stations give you the possibilty to get fast into emergency communications traffic. These stations, located in different geographical areas, are all the time in standby to become active in a very short time.